The short-term goals of the MKN are:
- Organize the four CoPs, identify which universities will collaborate to lead the CoPs, identify potential school district partners;
- Set up the MKN website;
- Establish collaborative work space groups at TeachOntario for the CoPs;
- Hire RAs to facilitate TeachOntario MKN groups and to offer technological support;
- Establish the MKN-AP;
- Hire the MKN Knowledge Mobilization Coordinator and establish institutional procedures in alignment with CME/Fields;
- Establish a network for face-to-face as well as remote collaboration;
- Establish the annual reporting/survey structure.
The medium-term goals are:
- Launch the activities of the CoPs;
- Organize and host the first MKN Symposium;
- Connect with community and parent organizations through intentional joint activity;
- Engage in sustainability activities aimed at enhancing resources during the five-year mandate and beyond.
The long-term goals are:
- Build mathematical understanding and knowledge in the teaching sector as well as knowledge and understanding of effective teaching practices in math through regular professional learning opportunities (KNAER, p. 16);
- Identify long term goals and objectives for student engagement and student success in mathematics education in Ontario;
- Develop self-sustaining, user-driven networks.
The duration of the MKN is four years, with first budget year being November 2016 to August 2017. For the first year, we expect the CoPs to be formed and to have met by spring of 2017. Some activities of the MKN will occur annually and others will occur semi-annually based on an academic year. The MKN Institute will occur each spring. The activities of the CoP will occur throughout the school year and sometimes in the summer as summer institutes.