Lesson Plans for Primary, Junior and Intermediate!


See below for math activities for Teachers and Parents!

Some lesson plans were developed from a collaboration between the MKN and London District Catholic School Board.

Primary (K-3) Lesson Plans
WEEK 1 – Probability Game     English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Describe the probability that an event will occur through investigation with simple games and probability experiments and using mathematical language

WEEK 2 – Measurement Olympics     English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Estimate and measure distance using standard units (i.e., centimetre, metre) and non-standard units 

WEEK 3 – Grocery Shopping Math    English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Describe the relative locations (e.g., beside, two steps to the right of) and the movements of objects on a map 

WEEK 4 – Daily Physical Education Coding    English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of whole numbers to 18, using a variety of mental strategies 

WEEK 5 – Art Attack Math    English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Identify and describe various polygons (i.e., triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, octagons) and sort and classify them by their geometric properties (i.e., number of sides or number of vertices), using concrete materials and pictorial representations  

WEEK 6 – Race in Space    English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Describe relationships between quantities by using whole-number addition and subtraction (e.g., “If you ate 7 grapes and I ate 12 grapes, I can say that I ate 5 more grapes than you did”) 

WEEK 7 – Geometry Dance   English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Describe relationships between quantities by using whole-number addition and subtraction (e.g., “If you ate 7 grapes and I ate 12 grapes, I can say that I ate 5 more grapes than you did”) 

WEEK 8 – Patterning Fish   English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Demonstrate, through investigation, an understanding that a pattern results from repeating an operation (e.g., addition, subtraction) or making a repeated change to an attribute (e.g., colour, orientation). 

WEEK 9 – Race Against the Clock   English          French

Curriculum Expectation:      Tell and write time to the quarter-hour, using demonstration digital and analogue clocks (e.g., “My clock shows the time recess will start [10:00]). 

WEEK 10 – Fraction Bingo   English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Divide whole objects into parts and identify and describe, through investigation, equal-sized parts of the whole, using fractional names (e.g., halves; fourths or quarters). 

WEEK 11 – Roll and Build with Shapes   English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Compose and describe pictures, designs, and patterns by combining two-dimensional shapes (e.g., “I made a picture of a flower from one hexagon and six equilateral triangles.”). 

WEEK 12 – $1 in My Wallet   English          French

Curriculum Expectation: Estimate, count, and represent (using the ¢ symbol) the value of a collection of coins with a maximum value of one dollar. 

Junior (4-6) Lesson Plans
WEEK 1 –My Friend Robot Geometry    English          French

Learning Outcome: Construct triangles, using a variety of tools (e.g., protractor, compass, dynamic geometry software), given acute or right angles and side measurements

WEEK 2 – Angle Game     English          French

Learning Outcome: Classify and construct polygons and angles; measure and construct angles up to 180° using a protractor, and classify them as acute, right, obtuse, or straight angle 

WEEK 3 – Budget a Dream Vacation     English          French

Learning Outcome: Add and subtract decimal numbers to hundredths, including money amounts, using concrete materials, estimation, and algorithms 

WEEK 4 – Flying Carpet Game     English          French

Learning Outcome: Explain how a coordinate system represents location, and plot points in the first quadrant of a Cartesian coordinate plane 

WEEK 5 – 21 and Out     English          French

Learning Outcome: Represent, using a common fraction, the probability that an event will occur in simple games and probability experiments

WEEK 6 – Scratch Net Creation     English          French

Learning Outcome: Construct nets of prisms and pyramids, using a variety of tools

WEEK 7 – One Metre Dash     English          French

Learning Outcome: Select and justify the most appropriate standard unit (i.e., millimetre, centimetre, decimetre, metre, kilometre) to measure length, height, width, and distance, and to measure the perimeter of various polygons

WEEK 8 – Create a Parachute     English          French

Learning Outcome: Collect data by conducting a survey or an experiment…to do with themselves, their environment, issues in their school or community, or content from another subject, and record observations or measurements

WEEK 9 – Triangle Coding     English          French

Learning Outcome: Estimate, measure using a variety of tools (e.g., centimetre grid paper, geoboard) and strategies, and record the perimeter and area of polygon

WEEK 10 – Tessellation Art     English          French

Learning Outcome: Determine, through investigation using a variety of tools… polygons or combinations of polygons that tile a plane, and describe the transformation(s) involved

WEEK 11 – Roll and Build with Shapes     English          French

Learning Outcome: Solve problems requiring the estimation and calculation of perimeters and areas of rectangles  

WEEK 12 – Shooting Hoops     English          French

Learning Outcome: Select an appropriate type of graph to represent a set of data, graph the data using technology, and justify the choice of graph. 

Intermediate (7-8) Lesson Plans
WEEK 1 –My Friend Robot Geometry    English          French

Learning Outcome: Determine through investigation using a variety of tools … the relationships among area, perimeter, corresponding side lengths and corresponding angles of congruent shapes 

WEEK 2 – Dream Trip Planning     English          French

Learning Outcome: Model real-life relationships involving constant rates where the initial condition starts at 0 (e.g., speed, heart rate, billing rate), through investigation using tables of values and graphs 

WEEK 3 – Flying Carpet Game     English          French

Learning Outcome: Plot points using all four quadrants of the Cartesian coordinate plane 

WEEK 4 – Shopping List     English          French

Learning Outcome: Solve problems involving the calculation of unit rates 

WEEK 5 – Equivalent Volume Coding     English          French

Learning Outcome: Sketch different polygonal prisms that share the same volume 

WEEK 6 – Dilate a Comic Strip     English          French

Learning Outcome: Identify, perform, and describe dilatations (i.e., enlargements and reductions), through investigation using a variety of tools 

WEEK 7 – Recipe Proportions     English          French

Learning Outcome: Identify and describe real-life situations involving two quantities that are directly proportional 

WEEK 8 – Trapezoid Code     English          French

Learning Outcome: Determine, through investigation using a variety of tools the relationship for calculating the area of a trapezoid, and generalize to develop the formula 

WEEK 9 – M&M Probability     English          French

Learning Outcome: Pose and solve simple probability problems, and solve them by conducting probability experiments and selecting appropriate methods of recording the results (e.g., tally chart, line plot, bar graph) 

WEEK 10 – Popular Data Stats     English          French

Learning Outcome: Determine, through investigation, the appropriate measure of central tendency (i.e., mean, median, or mode) needed to compare sets of data  

WEEK 11 – Weight Estimation     English          French

Learning Outcome: Solve problems that require conversion between metric units of measure (e.g., millimetres and centimetres, grams and kilograms, millilitres and litres)  

WEEK 12 – Geometric Dance     English          French

Learning Outcome: Sort and classify triangles and quadrilaterals by geometric properties related to symmetry, angles, and sides, through investigation using a variety of tools.  

WEEK 13 – Shopping in Foreign Currency     English          French

Learning Outcome: Identify and compare exchange rates, and convert foreign currencies to Canadian dollars and vice versa.  


Intermediate (9) Lesson Plans
WEEK 14 – Shopping for a Phone Plan     English          French

Learning Outcome: Determine graphically the point of intersection of two linear relations, and interpret the intersection point in the context of an application.  

WEEK 15 – Line of Best Fit     English          French

Learning Outcome: Construct tables of values, scatter plots, and lines or curves of best fit as appropriate using a variety of tools.  

WEEK 16 – Interpreting Graphs     English          French

Learning Outcome: Describe the effects on a linear graph and make the corresponding changes to the linear equation when the conditions of the situation they represent are varied.  

WEEK 17 – Architect of a Zoo     English          French

Learning Outcome: Solve problems involving the areas and perimeters of composite two-dimensional shapes.  

WEEK 18 – Brick a House     English          French

Learning Outcome: Solve problems using the Pythagorean theorem, as required in applications.  

WEEK 19 – Changing Linear Graphs    English          French

Learning Outcome: Describe the effects on a linear graph and make the corresponding changes to the linear equation when the conditions of the situation they represent are varied.  

WEEK 20 – Recreation Centre Planning    English          French

Learning Outcome: Rearrange formulas involving variables in the first degree, with and without substitution (e.g., in analytic geometry, in measurement).  

WEEK 21 – Rebound Height Experiment    English          French

Learning Outcome: Pose problems, identify variables, and formulate hypotheses associated with relationships between two variables.  

WEEK 22 – The Next Best Chocolate Bar    English          French

Learning Outcome: Determine the maximum area of a rectangle with a given perimeter by constructing a variety of rectangles, using a variety of tools (e.g., geoboards, graph paper, tooth- picks, a pre-made dynamic geometry sketch), and by examining various values of the area as the side lengths change and the perimeter remains constant.  

WEEK 23 – Dream House Design Challenge   English          French

Learning Outcome: Solve problems that require maximizing the area of a rectangle for a fixed perimeter or minimizing the perimeter of a rectangle for a fixed area.  

WEEK 24 – Balanced Budget   English          French

Learning Outcome: Identify different ways to maintain a balanced budget, and use appropriate tools to track all income and spending, for several different scenarios.  

WEEK 25 – Large Purchase Budgeting   English          French

Learning Outcome: Create a financial plan to reach a long-term financial goal, accounting for income, expenses, and tax implications.  

Count on MKN filmed videos for a teacher to go along with the Lesson Plans! Click the links below to watch:

Primary (K-3) Lesson Videos
WEEK 1 – Probability Game     English

Curriculum Expectation: Describe the probability that an event will occur through investigation with simple games and probability experiments and using mathematical language

WEEK 2 – Measurement Olympics     English

Curriculum Expectation: Estimate and measure distance using standard units (i.e., centimetre, metre) and non-standard units 

WEEK 3 – Grocery Shopping Math    English

Curriculum Expectation: Describe the relative locations (e.g., beside, two steps to the right of) and the movements of objects on a map 

WEEK 4 – Daily Physical Education Coding    English

Curriculum Expectation: Solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of whole numbers to 18, using a variety of mental strategies 

WEEK 6 – Race in Space    English

Curriculum Expectation: Describe relationships between quantities by using whole-number addition and subtraction (e.g., “If you ate 7 grapes and I ate 12 grapes, I can say that I ate 5 more grapes than you did”) 

WEEK 10 – Fraction Bingo    English

Curriculum Expectation: Divide whole objects into parts and identify and describe, through investigation, equal-sized parts of the whole, using fractional names (e.g., halves; fourths or quarters). 

WEEK 11 – Roll and Build With Shapes    English

Curriculum Expectation: Compose and describe pictures, designs, and patterns by combining two-dimensional shapes (e.g., “I made a picture of a flower from one hexagon and six equilateral triangles.”). 

Junior (4-6) Lesson Videos
WEEK 2 – Angle Game     English

Learning Outcome: Classify and construct polygons and angles; measure and construct angles up to 180° using a protractor, and classify them as acute, right, obtuse, or straight angle 

WEEK 5 – 21 and Out     English

Learning Outcome: Represent, using a common fraction, the probability that an event will occur in simple games and probability experiments

WEEK 7 – One Metre Dash     English

Learning Outcome: Select and justify the most appropriate standard unit (i.e., millimetre, centimetre, decimetre, metre, kilometre) to measure length, height, width, and distance, and to measure the perimeter of various polygons

WEEK 11 – Capture the grid     English

Learning Outcome: Solve problems requiring the estimation and calculation of perimeters and areas of rectangles 

Intermediate (7-8) Lesson Videos
WEEK 4 – Shopping List     English

Learning Outcome: Solve problems involving the calculation of unit rates 


Intermediate (9) Lesson Videos
WEEK 16 – Interpreting Graphs     English

Learning Outcome: Describe the effects on a linear graph and make the corresponding changes to the linear equation when the conditions of the situation they represent are varied.  

WEEK 17 – Architect of a Zoo     English

Learning Outcome: Solve problems involving the areas and perimeters of composite two-dimensional shapes.  

WEEK 22 – The Next Best Chocolate Bar    English

Learning Outcome: Determine the maximum area of a rectangle with a given perimeter by constructing a variety of rectangles, using a variety of tools (e.g., geoboards, graph paper, tooth- picks, a pre-made dynamic geometry sketch), and by examining various values of the area as the side lengths change and the perimeter remains constant.  

For teachers and parents, see below for weekly 15 minute drop-in video sessions designed to help you understand how to implement the lessons and to allow you to ask any questions you may have!

If you are a teacher and would like to have one of our teacher candidates join your virtual classroom to help out with the implementation of any of our lesson plans, please send an email to bdickso9@uwo.ca for English classrooms and kjohn283@uwo.ca for French classrooms.

Teacher Weekly Video Sessions
Parent Weekly Video Sessions