The Math Pod Cycle 3 Overview

The Math Pod  is a collaborative open learning opportunity for all educators lead by three Ontario math leadership networks, the MLN, ML2N, and NWML2N.

Cycle 3 of The Math Pod occurred from April 4-25, 2018. During these 4 weeks of professional learning with Dr. Cathy Fosnot, participants moved from arithmetic to algebra. Check out the highlights from Cycle 3 in this NEW report by our Mathematics Leadership Community of Practice!

Brock U-Niagara Catholic DSB CT Initiative

With a focus on experiential learning, five Brock University students worked collaboratively with Niagara Catholic District School Board teachers to develop engaging, coding-based activities for students that were explicitly or implicitly about mathematics.

This partnership is part of their MATH 3P41 course, designed for future teachers and taught by Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, Chantal Buteau.

To learn more about this innovative project, read the News Article from Brock University.

This project was partially funded by our Computational Thinking Community of Practice. Leading this project is Chantal Buteau, who is a member of our CT CoP and represents Brock University on the MKN Advisory Panel. 

Visible Learning for Mathematics

In partnership with Ontario’s Principals’ Council, Corwin (a publisher of PreK–12 professional learning resources) organized a two-day institute around Visible Learning research. Keynotes John Hattie, Jenni Donohoo, John Almarode, and Olivia Amador-Valerio will contribute to professional learning about creating Visible Learning Schools. The second day is dedicated to Visible Learning Mathematics, when John Almarode will talk about what works best in the teaching and learning of mathematics and how to maximize learner growth and achievement.  Participants will be actively engaged in doing mathematics during the session.