NEW Math Leadership Literature Review & Recommendations

Two new reports are now available from our Mathematics Leadership CoP!

For more ML CoP information, resources, and events, please visit

MKN October 2018 Updates

It was a busy summer for the MKN and our CoPs! Read our latest updates here to find out what our CoPs have been up to, explore recently added resources, and learn how you can get involved.

To stay up-to-date on our latest news, activities, and resources, join our mailing list (right side of page) and follow us on Twitter @mknrcm.

NEW Brock U-NCDSB CT + Math Tasks

With a focus on experiential learning, Brock University students worked collaboratively with Niagara Catholic District School Board teachers to develop engaging, coding-based activities for students that were explicitly or implicitly about mathematics.

Teams first explored resources developed by Dr. George Gadanidis, which led them to further develop 4 CT-based math tasks. You can now access the summaries here!

Crossing the Divide: Gr 8-9 Math Transition

Our Critical Transitions CoP has launched a new website focused on the transition from Grade 8-9 Mathematics which features introductory videos (English/French), downloadable infographics, and links to other key resources.

Visit to  learn about Gr 8-9 transition support strategies, math myths debunked, online resources/supports, and more!

NEW Indigenous Knowledge CoP Video Series!

A NEW Video Series is now available from our Indigenous Knowledge Community of Practice! The videos highlight the significance of Indigenous Knowledge in mathematics, provide several examples of Anishinaabe educators, and demonstrate how land-based learning and language help develop spatial reasoning skills. Please share the flyer below widely, and check out the videos at!

For an overview of the IK CoP, check out their new Flyer below! For more information, visit their page at