MKN Quarterly Volume 2, Issue 1: Covid-19 Resources Report

Math Knowledge Network QUARTERLY 2 (1)

Dear MKN Partners and Members,

Welcome to Volume 2 Issue 1 of the Math Knowledge Network Quarterly!

We are starting our fifth year with some leadership changes. Dona Kotsopoulos, a soon to be Dean of Western Faculty of Education is continuing as a Co-Director, joined by Dragana Martinovic, Professor from University of Windsor, who is replacing George Gadanidis, while he is on sabbatical. This year was challenging for all educators, school leaders, parents and students, making it even more important that we celebrate resilience and successes in our communities. In this Newsletter, you can read about activities of our four communities of practice in the previous quarter. Wishing you all health and happiness as we are closing on 2020!

Donna & Dragana (MKN co-Directors), & Arielle (MKN Coordinator)

PS – To stay up-to-date on upcoming events, activities, and resources, please visit the MKN website, join our mailing list (see subscription form bottom-right), and follow us on Twitter @mknrcm.


In this issue

Critical Transitions: Resources Report

Computational Modelling: Resources Report

Indigenous Knowledge: Resources Report

Mathematics Leadership: Resources Report

Canadian Early Math Researchers Video Series 

Canadian Early Math Researchers Video Series 

The Critical Transitions in Early Math Community of Practice (CoP) is pleased to present a video series highlighting the work of leading Canadian early math researchers. In these videos, researchers describe their areas of expertise and offer practical tips to parents and educators about how to support early math learning. We are extremely grateful for the willingness of our colleagues to collaborate on this project. The series begins with an introductory video about the work that the Critical Transitions in Early Math CoP has done and is currently undertaking.

An Introduction to the Critical Transitions in Early Math Community of PracticeDr. Lynda Colgan and Dr. Sandy Youmans, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University

The Development of Numerical and Mathematical Skills in Young Children, Dr. Daniel Ansari, Professor, Psychology and Education, Western University

The Role of Spatial Reasoning in The Learning and Doing of Math, Dr. Zachary Hawes, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development, OISE, University of Toronto

Math Minds – A Research Partnership to Improve Mathematics Instruction at the Elementary Level, Dr. Martina Metz, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary

The Educational Benefits of Play-Based Learning, Dr. Angela Pyle, Associate Professor, Jackman Institute of Child Study, University of Toronto

Early Geometry, Spatial Sense, and Coding Activities, Edward Schroeter, Kindergarten Teacher and Classroom Researcher, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board

The Use of Technology in the Learning and Teaching of Mathematics, Dr. Nathalie Sinclair, Professor and Canadian Research Chair in Tangible Mathematics Learning, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University

Implementing Play in Kindergarten Classrooms to Support Early Math Learning, Hanna Wickstrom, PhD Candidate, Developmental Psychology and Education, OISE, University of Toronto

MKN Quarterly Volume 1, Issue 3

Math Knowledge Network QUARTERLY 1(3)

Welcome to Volume 1 Issue 3 of the Math Knowledge Network Quarterly!

The first 3 years of the Math Knowledge Network: Impact Report!

We are excited to share the  first 3 years of impact from Communities of Practice: Critical Transitions, Computational Modelling, Indigenous Knowledge & Math Leadership.

Thank you to our 36 partner organizations for their support!

George Gadanidis & Donna Kotsopoulos (MKN co-Directors)

PS – To stay up-to-date on upcoming events, activities, and resources, please visit the MKN website, join our mailing list (see subscription form bottom-right), and follow us on Twitter @mknrcm.


In this issue

Critical Transitions: 2016 to 2019

Computational Modelling: 2016 to 2019

Indigenous Knowledge: 2016 to 2019

Math Leadership: 2016 to 2019