DIRECT IMPACT: ~1,120 teachers/educators ~1,500 survey participants ~888 students
GECDSB Project
- Initiative on content, pedagogy and leadership learning; ongoing 3-year study
- GECDSB Survey on teacher efficacy; ~1,500 survey participants
- GECDSB Seven Mathematics Leadership Learning school’s student assessments; ~618 students
- GECDSB Knowledge Mobilization; ~106 teachers/educators
- GECDSB Math Task Force findings; shared on the TVO site and across the Networks
- GECDSB Mathematics Symposium – Expertise for All; deep learning of mathematics across the system from K-12
- Reports, Resources & Case studies
The make of a MLLP team—consisting of school personnel, supported by a central staff member GECDSB – Mathematics Leadership Learning Project, available at here.
The Math Pod
- A collaborative learning opportunity for educators who want to learn more about mathematics; ~259 teachers/educators
- Educators from Ontario, Newfoundland & Labrador, Prince Edward Island and the United States
- 3 Months long open professional learning sessions with Cathy Fosnot
- 3 Math Pod Cycles, available at and
- Math Pod Online:
- Pod 1: The website had 3,689 views, 1,294 visitors, & podcasts had 521 views
- Pod 2: 499 #MathPod Tweets earned ~47,000 impressions
- Pod 3: 264 #MathPod earned ~64,000 impressions
1. 15 Teacher Candidates from University of Windsor were trained in supporting indigenous students.
Training allows them to serve as the Learning Coaches for Indigenous students
Math Leadership Resources: shared through TeachOntario, the MKN website, and meetings:
- Eastwood Whole School Inquiry on Concreteness Fading; 270 students, See the case study report
- Strengthening the Mathematics Curriculum: An HWDSB Research-Supported Professional LearningCommunity: 2-page summary
- GECDSB Canada 150 Math Challenge: See the report and results of the whole school inquiry about the effects of the whole month of mathematics.
- Literature Review on Content Leadership in Mathematics: See the literature review by the ML CoP research team
- Professional Learning Facilitators’ Guide: See the guide prepared by the GECDSB team for the ML CoP.
- Five plain language summaries were shared (GECDSB Math Task Force Learning Briefs)
- Five videos created by SURE were disseminated (Research to Practice Videos)
Math Leadership Workshops & Events:
John Mighton addressing attendees at JUMP Math: A balanced approach to numeracy skill-building and problem-solving professional development session. - Math Minds Workshop (February 2019), presenters from Jump Math, OISE, U. Calgary, & U. Windsor; 80 teacher/educator participants
- Webinar, presenters from Brock U., U. Windsor, U. Alberta, Lakehead U., Nipissing U., and Vretta (July 2019); 20 Math Educator participants
- NOMA Spring & Fall 2018 Workshops; 200 teacher/educator participants
- OAME Leadership Conference 2018, Math Leadership conducted two 70-min sessions (presenters from ML2N, GECDSB, and U. Windsor), 348 attendees
- Visible Learning Institute (August, 2018). Corwin with Ontario’s Principals’ Council; 4 ML CoP members attended
- Jo Boaler workshop (May, 2018); 6 ML CoP members attended
- GECDSB Conference (August, 2018). Learning Beyond the Horizon–Keeping the Vision Alive!; 250 educators attended on Aug 21st & 22nd, and ~150 educators attended on Aug 23rd.
- K-12 Curriculum Interleaving Project at HWDSB (November, 2017); 15 educators from HWDSB, Ministry of Education, People for Education, and U. Windsor attended
- Math Symposium at GECDSB (November, 2017); 100 teachers attended
- Leadership Institute with Cathy Fosnot & NOMA (October 2017); 100 educators in leadership positions and 100 teachers attended
- Professional learning for GECDSB MLLP teams (September 2017); 215 K-8 educators from 5 schools
- EdCamp event (August 2017), GECDSB staff and guests; 350 educators attended