Capacity building
- Networking and scaling-up. There exists a tremendous amount of localized knowledge and expertise that has been developed through various initiatives across Ontario. We see that an important role of the MKN is to network and scale-up such knowledge and expertise.
- MKN-initiated institute. The MKN will annually offer an institute with a focus on the themes of the four CoPs. The Institutes will be hosted/organized by Fields and by other partner institutions and organizations. Remote participation will be available through live streaming of key events. Target audience for these institutes are all participating members of the CoPs, including members from school district partners, as well as members of other school districts across Ontario.
- MKN-AP leadership workshop. The MKN will also offer an annual workshop for MKN-AP members immediately after the annual institute. This will give MKN-AP members an opportunity to network, to share and reflect on initiatives and practices, and exchange and discuss strategies and ideas for next steps.
- CoP led workshops. Each CoP will annually host a day of workshops for mathematics educators and leaders, to share what has been learned along with actionable resources.
- Funding for expanding the work of the MKN. The MKN will seek other sources of funding to expand its capacity for meeting its goals. There are also KM and outreach funding opportunities through Fields, SSHRC, NSERC, and various foundations.