Last year, at Greater Essex County District School Board, our team spent a great deal of time exploring the curriculum, continuums for mathematical learning and resources to develop our own learning and make connections. This year our goal was to implement our learning and develop capacity in our system. We were able to include 34 educators on school-based teams and 16 educators on the Board team. Our plan was for the Board team to meet at four times throughout the year and for members of that team to support learning in their school-based team on an ongoing basis. This aligns well with our work with the Math Knowledge Network and our Board’s Math Strategy.
As K-3 Action Group, we have continued to collaborate to answer the question, “How does applying math learning continuums in the classroom support precise differentiation for student learning?” Through our work together this year, we have deepened our understanding of early years’ pedagogy through the use of the approaches from ‘How Does Learning Happen?’, investigated the use of Contexts for Learning in alignment with the trajectories and Tips4Math. Through classroom observation and analysis of documentation, the importance of providing a context for thinking and learning was highlighted.
Moving forward, our plan is to make our documents more user friendly and actionable, add resources to support implementation, and share our knowledge with other educators.