The Mathematics Leadership Community of Practice (ML CoP) has been busy! We are happy to share the following updates about meetings, conferences, events, and more.
ML CoP members attended the OAME conference in Kingston May 11-13 and many presented.
David Petro (WECDSB; SWOAME; starting from Sept 2017, President Elect of OAME) did three presentations, namely: Meaningful Use of Technology (with Crystal Gascho, a teacher from AMDSB), Is that your Pokemon Go! in my Data?, and Letting Students Think in Grade 9 Math (with Gisele Jobin, a teacher from WECDSB). Here are the first slides and one image from the Letting Students Think in Grade 9 Math presentation.
See how two school boards in Windsor celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday through mathematics! [Received from David Petro and Kyle Pearce (SWOAME members)].
The WECDSB was recently in the last days of their Canada150 activity. In May students were asked to submit math questions that are related to Canada and have the answer 150.
The GECDSB is also celebrating Canada’s birthday through mathematics:
Check out their first task here. You can join in by following them on Twitter @Canada150Math and using the hashtag #Canada150Math.
Click below to learn about recent ML CoP partner meetings.
For more information, please visit the Mathematics Leadership CoP page, follow us on Twiter @mknrcm, and sign up for our mailing list (top right side of page) to receive regular updates on our CoPs and more!